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Demand Flexibility Service (DFS)

Demand Flexibility Service (DFS) is designed to help balance supply and demand on the grid by reducing electricity consumption during peak periods. This service allows National Grid to call on assets capable of reducing their energy usage or shifting it to off-peak times. By participating in DFS, industrial, commercial, and domestic assets can earn revenue by responding to signals that request temporary reductions in electricity demand, helping to stabilise the grid and reduce stress during periods of high consumption.

What we do

At Flexitricity, we prepare assets for participation in the Demand Flexibility Service, enabling effective demand reduction that aligns with market requirements and generates additional revenue streams. By ensuring that systems are ready to respond when called upon, we help customers actively support grid stability without compromising their core operations. 

  • Asset Suitability and Preparation: We work with asset operators to assess and prepare their systems for participation in DFS, ensuring they can reduce demand quickly and efficiently when required. 
  • Real-Time Monitoring and Dispatch: Flexitricity’s 24/7 Control Room provides real-time oversight, ensuring that assets are dispatched reliably in response to National Grid signals for demand reduction. 
  • Tailored Optimisation: Using our advanced optimisation platform, we tailor demand reduction strategies to each customer’s assets, ensuring that they deliver the maximum response while minimising operational impact. 
  • Data Capture and Reporting: We provide detailed performance data and reporting, ensuring that all demand reductions are accurately tracked and reported back to National Grid for settlement and service compliance. 

Request a Callback

Book a call with one of our energy market specialists to explore how we can connect you to revenue-generating opportunities in flexible energy markets.

0131 221 8100

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