Why are the lights going out - in utility company boardrooms? Asks Flexitricity's Dr Alastair Martin

EMEX 2015 presenter Dr Alastair Martin will be urging industrial and commercial (I&C) energy customers to expect more from their suppliers when he takes to the stage at the utilities and energy services seminar this Wednesday.

According to the CSO at Britain’s largest demand response provider, the new energy revolution is spelling change for the UK’s energy suppliers as the way we use and obtain energy continues to evolve.

This shake up, he’ll argue, could create opportunities for I&C customers to take control of their energy costs and get the most out of their suppliers.

Alastair said: “With low gas prices, tightening plant margins and new subsidies for old power stations, life should be easy for Britain’s big generators. Instead, across Europe, we hear of a “utility death spiral”. What’s going on? And what does it mean for customers?

“In fact, the new energy revolution has already happened under the noses of the Big Six. Renewables now set prompt wholesale prices, I&C customers aggressively manage their bills and energy efficiency technologies have started to bite. What’s more, new reforms in 2015 will further change the I&C marketplace, placing new value on flexibility and forecastability.”

He added: “To survive, utilities must now turn themselves into customer service organisations. It’s adapt or die, and the customers will decide which fate awaits each utility.”

As well as providing an overview of the utilities landscape, Alastair’s presentation will explain what suppliers should be doing for customers in light of these changes. He will also provide an insight into the demand response market, and the opportunities it presents to I&C customers.

Alastair will be presenting at the utilities and energy services seminar at 4.05pm on Wednesday 11 November.

For more information about Alastair, visit: www.flexitricity.com/en-gb/a/about/executive-team/


Issued by Weber Shandwick on behalf of Flexitricity.

For more information please contact:

Dyan Owen: 0141 333 0557/ 07738 086 818/ dowen@webershandwick.com

Steven Flanagan: 0141 333 0557/ 07557 210989/  sflanagan@webershandwick.com

Natalie Buxton: Tel: 0141 333 0557/ 07770 886934/  nbuxton@webershandwick.com

Notes to Editors

About Flexitricity

Flexitricity partners with businesses throughout the UK to provide reserve electricity to National Grid.

The word “Flexitricity” means “Flexible Electricity”. The company looks for flexibility in electricity consumption and generation, creating revenue for energy users and generators using the flexibility they find.

Flexitricity was founded in 2004 by Dr Alastair Martin, a professional energy engineer with experience ranging from gigawatt-scale coal and nuclear power stations.

Based in Edinburgh, the company introduced the concept of aggregated load management and flexible generation. 

National Grid’s estimate of savings to consumers can be found at: http://www.nationalgridconnecting.com/how-dsr-could-transform-our-energy-system/

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