Western Power Distribution Project Falcon and Flexitricity

Public sector

Flexitricity has delivered millions in revenue and cost savings to the public sector and we’ve developed successful partnerships with a wide range of organisations, including NHS hospitals, universities, schools and local authorities.

The Opportunity:

  • Many public sector sites have existing flexible assets that could earn revenue from a range of energy market opportunities, this includes on-site generators such as combined heat and power (CHP) and heat pumps, on-site battery storage and renewables, back-up generators, and electrical load in commercial buildings.

  • The additional revenue earned through Flexitricity can make a huge difference for public sector organisations as they are often working within tight budget constraints.

  • A chance to play a role in decarbonising our energy system and the UK’s transition to net zero – and meet your organisation’s environmental ambitions

“The opportunity to participate in a sector leading scheme that delivers operational benefits to the National Grid and reduces the net cost of our energy, at the same time, was very attractive to us. Having carried out the required risk assessments and due diligence, the University was delighted to be able to sign up to these exemplar initiatives.” David Jack, Energy Manager, The University of Edinburgh


The CCS Heat Networks and Electricity Generation Assets (HELGA) DPS Agreement has been designed to help public sector organisations access demand side response and other opportunities to help with their carbon reduction targets, without needing to run an independent OJEU procurement exercise.

It is a quick and effective compliant procurement route. Organisations simply need to identify their requirements for the scheme, present these to the market and award a contract, all of which reduces timescales.

Flexitricity’s expert team is available to support public sector organisations throughout the procurement process. Click here to read our top tips for DSR procurement.


We identify the flexibility your assets have outside of core site requirement and make that flexibility available to National Grid at the right time and the right price, maximising revenue for the site.

There are opportunities for a range of different types and sizes of assets. Contact us today to discuss how much you could earn from DSR.

Dr Alastair Martin, founder and CSO at Flexitricity: “Flexitricity has been a CCS supplier for quite

some time now and we’ve definitely witnessed a significant shift in the public sector attitude – DSR has moved from ‘nice to have’ to ‘must have’. Carbon reduction is obviously a priority but what’s really moved the needle is the consistent and significant ROI organisations are seeing. But while DSR adoption has been growing in recent years, the UK’s public sector can still do more with their assets to unlock savings and hidden revenue.”

Key revenue sources:

  • Trading

  • Balancing Mechanism – with or without supply contract

  • Frequency response (for battery storage, DRUPS or non-critical load)

  • STOR

  • Triad management

  • Capacity Market

Get in touch today

Book a call with one of our energy market specialists to find out if you can participate and how much your site could earn.

0131 221 8100

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