Fuel Mix Disclosure

This fuel mix information details how the electricity we supply to you has been generated in the previous year from each fuel source and is designed to help you make an informed choice about your energy supplier.

The Electricity Fuel Mix Disclosure Regulations (2005) introduced a requirement on all electricity suppliers in Great Britain to disclose to their customers the mix of fuels used to generate the electricity supplied annually, provided that electricity is supplied for a full disclosure period (1 April – 31 March)

The fuel mix below shows the overall fuel mix of the national grid. The fuel mix of energy suppliers depends on whether they buy renewable energy certificates on behalf of their customers, and if so how many. Flexitricity’s fuel mix matches that of the national average as we do not buy renewable certificates on behalf of our customers.

Energy Source


Coal 3.4
Natural Gas 39.3
Nuclear 13.9
Renewables 40.8
Other 2.6

For further information, please contact Flexitricity's Supply & Balancing Services team. 

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