The triad dates for winter 2019/20 have now been released by National Grid. We’re delighted to confirm that Flexitricity has maintained our record of having run for all triad peaks since operations began in 2008.
This is excellent news; it means we’ve been able to maximise the benefits for our customers despite the complexity of calling triads in a sophisticated, active market.
This winter’s triad peaks are as follows:
- 18th November 2019, SP35 (17:00-17:30)
- 2nd December 2019, SP35 (17:00-17:30)
- 17th December 2019, SP34 (16:30-17:00)
Next winter, Ofgem’s network charging reforms will reduce or remove triad value for many embedded generators, especially those in the northern half of the UK. However, triad management through demand reduction remains highly valuable. The right triad strategy for each site will depend on location and operational conditions. Flexitricity will continue to offer our industry-leading triad management service to our customers to maximise their net benefit.
The 2020/21 triad season is likely to be as complicated as any that has come before. It’s likely that some triad participants will move their triad activity into other opportunities, such as the Balancing Mechanism (BM). Flexitricity is the first established aggregator to qualify for BM Wider Access, and we’ll provide that wherever it’s the best bet for the customer concerned. Other energy users with the right profiles may enter the triad market. Diligence, data and real-time action will, as always, be the keys to success.
Please get in touch if you’d like more information about our real-time triad management service.