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FlexO&M: Delivering High Availability and Supporting the UK's Energy Transition

29 January 2025

The UK energy landscape is evolving rapidly, driven by a growing emphasis on renewable energy sources.

While this shift is essential to deliver a cleaner and more sustainable future, it also introduces challenges, particularly in maintaining grid stability amidst increasing reliance on intermittent renewable generation.

Flexitricity’s O&M team (FlexO&M) is at the forefront of addressing these challenges. Through the operation of flexible generation assets, we provide rapid, on-demand power generation to bridge gaps during periods of high demand or reduced renewable energy output. 

In 2024, our fleet of 129 natural gas-fired generators across 20 operational sites achieved an exceptional average availability of 96% throughout the year. This impressive performance underscores the dedication and expertise of our FlexO&M teams, who work tirelessly to optimise plant performance and minimise disruptions. This achievement is further supported by our proactive and robust asset management strategy, ensuring reliability, efficiency, and resilience across our operations.

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The prevailing market conditions in 2024, characterised by periods of low operating hours and numerous short-duration runs, further demonstrated the resilience and adaptability of our fleet. Many operational issues typically arise during engine ramp-up and ramp-down cycles. However, our generators delivered exceptional performance even under these demanding conditions, highlighting the robustness of our equipment and the high caliber operations and maintenance service provided by FlexO&M.

Recent energy market dynamics, including low wind and solar generation, have necessitated the prolonged operation of flexible generation plants. Capacity Market Notices issued by National Grid on 8th January 2025, 3rd December 2024, and 14th October 2024, along with the "dunkelflaute" event during the week commencing 9th December 2024, further highlight the vital role of flexible generation assets. These events underscore the critical importance of plants operated by FlexO&M in maintaining grid stability and supporting the UK’s energy system during periods of supply volatility.

Key Takeaways:

  • High Availability: FlexO&M operates and maintains high availability across its fleet of natural gas-fired generators, crucial for supporting grid stability and the energy transition.
  • Exceptional Performance: Our 96% average availability across 20 sites and 262MW of capacity demonstrates the exceptional performance and reliability of our assets and our dedicated FlexO&M teams.
  • Resilience in Challenging Markets: We excel in navigating challenging market conditions, ensuring optimal performance even during periods of low operating hours and frequent start-stop cycles.
  • Supporting Renewables: Our commitment to maintaining high asset availability is essential for supporting the increasing penetration of renewable energy sources and ensuring a secure and reliable energy supply for the UK.

This means that O&M at Flexitricity is more than just maintenance; it’s an enhanced service that operates alongside our 24/7 control room and advanced optimisation services. Together, these capabilities demonstrate the breadth of expertise within the business, ensuring that assets are not only well-maintained but also strategically managed for maximum performance and value in the energy market.




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