Triad management
Triads are the three half-hour periods of highest electricity demand between November and February, with each peak at least ten clear days apart.
National Grid uses triads as a way to incentivise consumers to avoid consuming during these high-cost periods of peak demand. They do this via their Transmission Network Use of System (TNUoS) charges.
Energy Partners can minimise their charges by reducing load and increasing generation when national demand is at its highest. Flexitricity uses a range of unique proprietary tools to determine when assets should ‘run for triads’, and dispatches assets direct from our 24/7 control room.
Ofgem’s network charging reforms have removed export triad value for embedded generators in the northern half of the UK. However, export triad benefit in some areas of southern England and Wales, and avoiding triad import charges through demand reduction across most of Britain remain valuable. The right triad strategy for each site will depend on location and operational conditions. Flexitricity will continue to offer our industry-leading operational triad management service to our customers to maximise their net benefit.

What we do
- Triad management is a difficult process - Flexitricity’s expertise and hybrid, to-the-wire triad management strategy has allowed our customers to benefit even from the difficult triads that many large companies have missed.
- We offer a triad monitoring and dispatch service with careful targeting of peaks to minimise fuel use.
- We develop a tailored triad management strategy for each site which includes site-specific start times.
- Flexitricity’s triad management service can be seamlessly integrated with other revenue sources.
Setting up
- Our triad management service is a great fit for any customers who have meters that measure their demand or export on a half-hourly basis—typically large or medium industrial and commercial customers.
- We connect your asset(s) to our control room via our outstation installed on your site or via an API. We supply our outstations without charge, and we continue to own and maintain them. We also provide communications lines, which we pay for.
- We operate on a revenue share basis and we don’t charge management / upfront fees.

Our triad management credentials
We’ve developed unique proprietary tools and strategies for predicting triads and to manage the whole process as efficiently as possible.
Request a Callback
Book a call with one of our energy market specialists to explore how we can connect you to revenue-generating opportunities in flexible energy markets.
0131 221 8100